Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
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Varispeed was a feature of tape recorders that is now digitally emulated in Logic Pro. It was famously employed by David Seville (Ross Bagsdasarian) to create the sound of The Chipmunks. By singing in a lower key more slowly, adjusting the Varispeed made it increasingly higher and faster, giving him that signature sound.
We can use it in Logic Pro to speed up or slow down the playback of a project without, or with, the chipmunk effect of the pitch getting higher.
I have a project loaded that I recorded at 130 beats per minute that I want to playback a little slower, or faster. Feel free to load one of your own.
First, we need to enable Varispeed. In Chapter 2, Getting To Know the Logic Pro Interface, you learned how to customize the Control bar. Here, you can see that Varispeed can be added to the Control bar's LCD section:
Figure 11.8 – Adding Varispeed to the Control bar
Now, on the Control bar, you will see a button with a...