Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
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With the region selected, press P to open Piano Roll. The Piano Roll editor is by far the most utilized editor among Logic users. Here, you will see the MIDI notes' positions, pitches, lengths, and velocity, indicated by color. The bluer it is, the softer the velocity; the more reddish, the louder the velocity. All of this is, of course, editable, which we will do in the next chapter.
Now, press N to open the Score Editor, where you will see the notes as musical notation. It's a very deep editor because it allows you to make the MIDI sound one way while appearing as another, and you can print out parts and entire scores. It is so deep that I wrote an entire book on it. We won't be spending much time on it in this book for that reason.
Notice that when I open the Score Editor, Piano Roll disappears, and vice versa. Under the Window menu are standalone windows for each that you can open so that you can see...