Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
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In this section, we will look at the differences between Audio and MIDI.
When you record yourself singing or playing a real instrument in Logic Pro, the truth is you are actually recording an audio waveform to a drive with Logic Pro as a conduit. If you delete Logic Pro from your computer, your recording will still be there, unless you delete it.
I like to compare it to a house: somebody drew up a blueprint, ordered the supplies, and built the house.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is just a set of instructions that is interpreted by a software instrument, synthesizer, or other hardware keyboard that is capable of understanding it. For example, when you press a key on a keyboard controller, Logic sees "sound this note that we agree is middle C, play it this loud, hold it for this length of time."
If you load a flute sound in a software instrument, you hear what sounds like a flute. If you load a piano sound, it sounds like...