Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
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You can either view the Mixer as part of the integrated main window by simply pressing X on your computer keyboard, or as a standalone window by going under the Window menu and selecting it, or by pressing Command + 2 on your keyboard. For now, let's go with the integrated Mixer.
This is the default view. It is ordered following the Tracks List order. Across the top on the right are tabs that allow you to choose what you want to see displayed at any given time and what you do not. Here, you can see mine with Master/VCA and MIDI filtered out, and without following Track Stacks but with the Drums Folder Stack open:
Figure 13.7 – Tracks view in the Mixer
A long-standing request by users to the developers is the ability to reorder tracks directly in the Mixer, disregarding their order in the Track List. Maybe sometime in the future, maybe even by the time this book is in your hands, this will be possible, but at...