Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners
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Quite often, however, we need to draw bitmaps in a rotated or otherwise altered state. It is quite easy to use Photoshop, or whatever your favorite image editing software happens to be and create more bitmaps from the original bitmap to face other directions. Then, when we come to draw our bitmap, we can simply decide which way and draw the appropriate pre-loaded bitmap.
However, I think it will be much more interesting and instructive if we work with just the one single source image and learn about the class that Android provides to manipulate images with our Kotlin code. You will then be able to add rotating and inverting graphics to your app developer's toolkit.
A bitmap is called a bitmap because that is exactly what it is: a map of bits. While there are many bitmap formats that use different ranges and values to represent colors and transparency, they all amount to the same thing. They are a grid or map of values and each value represents the...