Swift iOS Programming for Kids
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There are only a few things on this Earth that are better than ice cream. we're just having trouble naming them. How is ice cream actually made? Well, it is made in an ice cream factory. This factory is able to create different flavors and toppings.
What about cars, how are cars made? Similar to ice cream, a car is made in a car factory. A car factory can create all kinds of different cars that we can drive around.
In Swift, there are many factories built into the language that are available for us to use. However, Swift doesn't refer to them as factories, it refers to them as types.
When a car factory creates a car, the car that is now in your possession is referred to as an instance of car (in Swift, types begin with an uppercase letter). Having your own instance of a car is like having a car in your driveway that you're able to use whenever you want, it's yours! You could drive it, park it, change its color, turn left, turn right, and play music. All of these actions are...