Swift iOS Programming for Kids
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It is time to use our knowledge about laying out interface elements on our canvas using the Xcode's IB by creating a small application. We will try to make a small Simon Says application, which will not be fully functional, but will have an interface that is similar to a fully working Simon Says app:
A Simon Says application is a simple memory game where the user has to memorize an increasing number of color combinations. Basically, the user takes turns with the application and tries to mimic the colors the application has chosen. For example, if the app starts out by choosing blue, then the user should, afterwards, press the blue button. Then, the application will repeat the already-chosen color blue and then choose a new color, for example, red. Then, the user should press the blue button, followed by the red button. This pattern continues until the user is unable to remember the right combination of colors.
For this...