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Raspberry Pi OS is the choice of software we use to drive the Raspberry Pi, an OS that our code will run in. It is the Raspberry Pi Foundation's official OS and comes with software prepared to make working with the Raspberry Pi easier. Raspberry Pi OS can support a full desktop or a minimal command line and network-only system.
Raspberry Pi OS is based on the Debian Linux distribution. Debian is a collection of software set up to run together, giving lots of functionality and many possibilities. Linux distributions like this are the basis of many internet servers, mobile phones, and other devices. The OS's software is optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware, namely the kernel and drivers, which are made specifically for it. It also has some neat ways to configure the specialized features that Raspberry Pi users might need.
We will use it in a more minimal way than a desktop, forgoing the keyboard, mouse, and monitor support. This minimal version...