Learn Robotics Programming
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Our book has introduced quite a collection of robot behaviors and invited you to create more. We've talked about how SSH can be cumbersome to start robot programs—even just remembering the options you have or pressing the Ctrl + C combination to stop can be frustrating.
In this section, we are going to create a menu system to select them. A convenient and phone-friendly way to do this is to serve it to the phone's browser, so we take that approach with our robot. We will also use a desktop browser to test this code.
We can extend the system we built in the Starting a behavior remotely section of Chapter 15, Voice Communication with a Robot Using Mycroft, adding a user interface (UI). We'll make this UI as templates, with some placeholders replaced by code.
Let's take a look in the following diagram at how this system will work:
Figure 17.1 – How the control...