Learn Robotics Programming
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By now, you have seen differences in the outputs – that is, a veer. In only 400 mm, my left side is around 20 mm behind the right, an error that is climbing. Depending on your motors, your robot may have some veer too. It is rare for a robot to have driven perfectly straight. We use the sensors to correct this.
This behavior works better on wooden flooring or MDF boards, and poorly on carpet.
This correction is still dead reckoning; slipping on surfaces or incorrect measurements can still set this off course. How can we use motors and encoders to correct our course and drive in a straight line?
A behavior to self-correct steering and drive in a straight line needs to vary motor speeds until the wheels have turned the same amount. If the wheels turn the same amount soon enough, then they will account for major course deviations.
Our robot will use the encoder sensor to measure how much each wheel has...