Learn Robotics Programming
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Robot building is a topic that shares a space with the general community of makers. Makers are everywhere. There are ham radio and electronics enthusiasts who are more connected to the electronics side of robot building, and there are artists who are using devices such as the Arduino and Raspberry Pi to bring their creations to life. Teachers are using these devices to show children the world of technology or teach other subjects to them. There are also people with problems to solve or brilliant and sometimes crazy ideas to try out.
Robotics is part of the maker community, which has a strong presence on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Search for tags such as #raspberrypi
(https://twitter.com/hashtag/RaspberryPi), #arduino
(https://twitter.com/hashtag/Arduino), and #makersgonnamake
(https://twitter.com/hashtag/makersgonnamake) to find these communities. A rallying point is the @GuildOfMakers