We couldn't have a chapter on social networking without mentioning Facebook. Facebook has its own SDK that can be used with Unity. This can allow us to use the information that Facebook already has, including the user's name and profile image within our game experience. Let's look at the steps to incorporate them:
- Open up your web browser and visit https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/:

- Click on the Download the SDK button and wait for it to finish downloading. Once it is downloaded, unzip it and then open up the facebook-unity-sdk-7.21.1 folder. Then, open up the FacebookSDK folder and you'll see a single file, facebook-unity-sdk-7.21.1.unitypackage.
- Double-click on the unitypackage file, and you should have a window pop up as shown here:

If this does not work, you can also go to Assets | Import Package | Custom Package and then find the folder that you unzipped the file to and open it that way.
- Click on...