Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5
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The Actor class contains all the functionality an object needs to exist in a Level. Therefore, the Actor class is the parent class for all objects that can be placed or spawned in a Level. In other words, any object that can be placed or spawned in a Level is a subclass of the Actor class. Most of the Blueprints that we'll create will be based on the Actor class itself or its child classes. Therefore, the features we will look at in this section will be useful for these Blueprints.
Variable types such as integer, float, and Boolean are known as primitive types because they only store simple values of the specified type. When working with objects or Actors, we use a type of variable known as an object reference. References in Blueprints allow different objects to talk to each other. We will explore this communication in greater detail in Chapter 4, Understanding Blueprint Communication.
For example, the following diagram represents instances...