Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5
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In this section, we'll see the event and functions used in teleportation.
To start the teleport, press up on the right motion controller's thumbstick to mark a location. When you release the thumbstick, you will teleport to the marked location. The teleport destination is represented by the VRTeleportVisualizer Blueprint:
Figure 16.7 – The VRTeleportVisualizer Blueprint
The input event used for teleportation is InputAxis MovementAxisRight_Y. The first nodes of the event check whether Axis Value is positive, which means the thumbstick was pressed up, and check whether Axis Value is greater than the deadzone, which is a minimum Axis Value to start the teleport:
Figure 16.8 – The first nodes of InputAxis MovementAxisRight_Y
The next screenshot shows the nodes connected to the True output of the Branch node of Figure 16.8. The Do Once node is used to ensure that the Start Teleport Trace function...