Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5
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Editor Utility Blueprint is a type of Blueprint that is executed only in the Unreal Editor. You can use them to manipulate Assets in the content browser and Actors in the level.
There is also Editor Utility Widget, which is a UMG widget that we can use to create panels for the Unreal Editor with new functionalities.
We can create Editor Utility Blueprint and Editor Utility Widget by accessing the Editor Utilities submenu in the Asset creation menu:
Figure 19.29 – Menu options to create Editor Utility Blueprints
Right-click on the EventGraph of an Editor Utility Blueprint and look in the Editor Scripting category to get an idea of the functions available to script the Editor:
Figure 19.30 – The Editor Scripting category and subcategories
The functions created in an Editor Utility Blueprint will appear in the Script Actions submenu when you right-click an Asset or an Actor in the level....