Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5
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The object grabbing system is based on a GrabComponent Blueprint that was created for the VR template, which can be found in the Content > VRTemplate > Blueprints
GrabComponent is a child class of SceneComponent. For more information about Blueprint components, see Chapter 18, Creating Blueprint Libraries and Components.
To make any Actor of the Level grabbable, add GrabComponent to the Actor and set Mobility to Movable:
Figure 16.17 – Making an Actor grabbable
There is an enumeration named Grab Type that defines how the object attaches to the motion controller. For more information about enumeration, see Chapter 13, Data Structures and Flow Control.
You can set Grab Type in the Details panel of GrabComponent:
Figure 16.18 – Grab Type enumeration
These are the grab types available: