Learning Java by Building Android Games
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Of course, in almost any game, we are going to need to do things with these values. We manipulate variables with operators.
As we did with variable types, let's discuss the most used operators in this book.
Here is a list of the most common Java operators we will use in this book that allow us to manipulate variables. You do not need to memorize them as we will look at every line of code as and when we use them for the first time. We have already seen the first operator when we initialized our variables, =
, but we will see it again while it is being a bit more adventurous.
Once you have seen one operator, you can guess what the others do, but some examples of each will help you become familiar with them:
): This makes the variable to the left of the operator hold the value or variable to the right; for example: score = 1000;
highScore = score;