Learning Java by Building Android Games
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The phone screen is still blank, but we have achieved our first output to the Logcat window. In addition, we have laid out the entire structure of the Sub' Hunter game. All we need to do now is learn more about Java, and then use it to add code to each of the methods.
In this chapter, we learned that Java methods are used to divide up the code into logical sections, each with a name. We don't know the full details of Java methods yet. However, if you understand that you can define methods and then execute them by calling them, then you know all you need to make further progress.
We also took a first glimpse at OOP. It doesn't matter whether OOP seems a little baffling at this stage. If you know that we can code a class and create usable objects in our code based on that class, then you know enough to continue.
In the next chapter, we will learn about our game's data, for example, how the game "remembers" values such as the position of the submarine or the size of the grid. We will learn that our data can take many forms but can generally be referred to as variables.