Getting Started with React VR
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In this chapter, we discussed how to use the full power of three.js with React VR. While learning this, we demonstrated where to place native code and the React VR Native bridge. We built three.js
meshes directly via JavaScript and added sound that made the world seem more alive. We also used React Native Views and the Native bridge to do customized rendering, including a reflection map—we added chrome to VR (as opposed to viewing VR with Chrome). We also showed how to get access to the React VR camera via the vr.player.renderer
to do more three.js processing.
With a full-blown three.js included, we really can do anything we want with React VR. We should, however, use React VR where it is needed, and three.js where we need a little more detail, otherwise React VR will be icing on a bolt. It would be liable to cause rust and easily fall off.