Getting Started with React VR
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You can also extend React VR itself with something called Native Views. The word view might make you think of a camera rendering, although the meaning, in this case, is a little different. Think of these more as new React VR objects that are native three.js. They are very useful. You could use the three.js code we just went through to mix in raw three.js programming, but you have limited ability to use declarative programming that way. Is there a more React VR way to do this? You can do this through Native Views.
When you implement a Native View, you can control how properties and code interact with the rest of the runtime code. These injections will usually be visual, although you can inject sound as well.
You can also implement new Native objects. The programming is similar to what we have done so far; you implement base properties, expose the new keyword to the runtime, and then code them as if they were part of the React VR language...