Getting Started with React VR
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If I knew exactly where VR would go in the next five years, I would be rich in five years, and so would you, if you invest in my predictions. Let me know how that works out.
I hope you invest in VR by developing amazing worlds, even if it isn't with React VR. I really believe in VR, and want to see it succeed this time.
That brings up what I mean by this time. I've been through at least one wave of VR; back then, everyone thought VR was the wave of the future. All the great things you are hearing about VR, I've heard before. I was doing VR from about 1995 to 2000 or so. VR crashed hard. There were HMDs being created, data gloves, and entire virtual worlds.
Most people say the graphics back then were too crude. There is some truth to that, but people that haven't tried VR still, say "I will wait until the graphics get more real" not realizing, as we've discussed and seen, it doesn't take great graphics for VR to appear real.
What we called VR is also a...