Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V: Deploying Hyper-V Enterprise Server Virtualization Platform
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This section is like Cliffs Notes, which we all use while preparing for exams. So before entering into the examination hall, we just go through them to make sure that all the formulas and other important equations are stored in our brain. (Though it slips our head when we see the question paper!). Similarly, Hyper-V backup considerations and best practices are pretty important topics to discuss and retain in the memory, whenever you set up Hyper-V backup. Most of these recommendations and considerations are generic, meaning they are also applicable to all other types of server or data backup we perform on a daily basis in our data center.
The networking aspect of architecturing your backup solution for Hyper-V is quite critical in nature. I personally have witnessed various bad networking setups for taking Hyper-V backups, which end up causing severe performance bottlenecks. For every backup solution...
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