Up and Running with Affinity Designer
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Affinity Designer has the unique ability to work both in vector and raster formats. But why is this a big deal, and what are the advantages over other similar drawing applications that don't have this ability? Well, to start off with and to help provide a bit of a foundation for what we're going to discuss, let's take a quick look at the main differences between vector and raster art.
In short, vector art is art that comprises or is derived from bezier curves or paths, which are themselves based on a mathematical grid. Because they are built upon math, they can be resized or repositioned and will be recalculated to retain their appearance. Because of this, vector art is called resolution independent, meaning art created entirely of vector information can be scaled up or down without any loss in clarity or sharpness. This is ideal for logo design or specific types of projects that need to retain their sharpness...