Up and Running with Affinity Designer
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The goal of this third exercise chapter is to switch gears a little and see how the shading and lighting process, using a slightly different approach, can bring perhaps a more painterly feel to add a nice metallic, roughed-up look to our weary rocketship. Over the course of my day-to-day illustration work, I tend to use a combination of these two workflows and it always amazes me how seamlessly the two personas work with each other.
We will start out once again by building our base shapes using the Shape tool and the Pen tool, and we'll organize these elements using the Layers panel. This time, instead of using Gradients and Inner Shadow effects to shade and enhance our object's form and shadows, we'll use Pixel Painting along with some Bevel/Emboss and 3D Effects for an altogether different approach for our final look. One of the advantages of this approach is that it can sometimes speed up the process as the painting method allows...