Up and Running with Affinity Designer
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In this first practical exercise chapter of creating a professional logo, we started by planning our document setup. We followed this by learning how to place an external image to use as a template or guide. Then we put our knowledge of how to use the Layers panel into practical use to keep our work organized and discussed how to use the Layers panel to also hide or lock objects and layers.
Throughout this chapter, when we started building our logo, we got pretty familiar with the Pen tool and the various ways to create shapes and different types of lines. We explored how to plan and build our logo, first with basic shapes, before getting into more complex multi-part objects.
We then explored the Artistic Text tool and how to add type components to our logo, eventually learning how to customize and manipulate some of the text's letterforms to conform to our logo's distinct containment shapes.
We've tackled a lot in this long chapter and the lessons...