Up and Running with Affinity Designer
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In this chapter, we've become familiar with Affinity Designer's default interface and touched on many key components of the software that we will continue to explore in more depth in the upcoming chapters. We explored the layout, tools, toolbars, and studio panels. We learned about the document view and how to navigate, zoom, pan, rotate, and generally get around in the application. In short, the knowledge acquired in this chapter will set you on a path of further exploration in the chapters to come and give you the familiarity and confidence to dig a little deeper into what Affinity Designer has to offer.
In the next chapter, we'll be looking at Affinity Designer's three Personas – Designer, Pixel, and Export, and see just what makes them so unique and powerful. We'll discuss the difference between vector and raster artwork, and finally, we'll have a look at options to export our artwork out of Affinity Designer.