For the rootkit to attach to a named device (for example, \\FileSystem\\fastfat, to receive filesystem requests), it needs to get the device object for that named device. There are multiple ways to do this, and one of them is to use the undocumented ObReferenceObjectByName API. Once the device object is found, the rootkit can use the IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack API to attach to its chain of drivers and receive the IRP requests that are sent to it. The code for this could be as follows:

After executing the IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack API, the driver will be added to the top of the chain, which means that the rootkit driver will be the first driver to receive the IRP requests. Then, it can pass requests along to the next driver using the IoCallDriver API. Additionally, the rootkit would be the last driver to modify the response of the IRP request after setting a completion routine.