The main purposes of malware attacking IoT devices and Linux-based servers are generally as follows:
- DDoS attacks: They can be monetized in multiple ways: fulfilling orders to organize them, extorting companies, or providing DDoS protection services for affected entities.
- Cryptocurrency mining: Even though each device generally has a pretty basic CPU and often no GPU to provide substantial computation power independently, the combination of them can generate pretty impressive numbers in case of a proper implementation.
- Cyber-espionage and infostealing: Infected cameras can be a source of valuable information for the attackers, the same as smart TVs or smart home devices that often have either a camera or a microphone (or both). Infected routers can also be used to intercept and modify important data. Finally, some web servers may store valuable information stored in their databases.
- Lateral movement: Infected IoT devices and web servers can be the first stage platform...