Memory breakpoints are used not to stop on specific instructions, but to stop when any instruction tries to read a specific part of memory or modifies it. This type of breakpoint is done by modifying the memory protection of this page of memory, either by making it non-accessible if the breakpoint is on accessing (or reading) this memory page or read-only if the breakpoint is on modifying (or writing) on this memory page.
They are accessible by right-clicking on Breakpoint | Memory, on access or Memory, on write, as shown in the following screenshot:

You may wonder why there is no memory on-execute using execute protection for memory, and the reason is that execute protection wasn't enforced until Windows 8. If you have your virtual machine running on Windows XP or Windows 7, I will show you how to enforce this protection and how to create memory breakpoints on execute in Chapter 3, Unpacking, Decryption, and Deobfuscation...