Here is a list of common tools that can be used to quickly get access to the assembly code:
- objdump (free): This is a standard tool that is also able to disassemble files using the -D/--disassemble-all argument. It supports multiple architectures; a list of them can be obtained using the -i argument. Generally, it is distributed as part of binutils and has to be compiled for the specific target in order to make the disassembler work.
- ndisasm (free): This is another minimalistic disassembler. Its full name is the Netwide Assembler, and it supports 16-, 32-, or 64-bit code for the x86 platform only. Unlike objdump, it shouldn't be used to disassemble object files.
- ODA (free): This is a unique Online disassembler; it provides basic disassembler functionality as well as some neat dialog windows, for example, to provide a list of functions or strings. It supports an impressive amount of architectures as we can see on the following figure:

Figure 4: List of architectures...