One of the simplest and most common ways how malware can deal with malware-analysis tools (and antivirus tools as well) is to loop through all the running processes and detect any unwanted entries. Then, it is possible to either terminate or stop them to avoid further analysis.
In Chapter 4, Inspecting Process Injection and API Hooking, we covered how malware can loop through all running processes using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, and Process32Next APIs. In this anti-reverse engineering trick, the malware uses these APIs in exactly the same way to check the process name against a list of unwanted processes names or their hashes. If there's a match, the malware terminates itself or uses some approach such as calling the TerminateProcess API to kill that process. The following screenshot shows an example of this trick being implemented in Gozi malware:

The following screenshot...