There are multiple tools that can help you disassemble and decompile a sample, and even convert it completely into C# or VB.NET source code. You can use Dnspy to decompile a sample by just dragging and dropping it into the application interface. This is what this application looks like:

You can click on File | Export To Project to export the decompiled source code into a Visual Studio project. Now, you can read the source code, modify it, write comments on it, or modify the names of the functions for better analysis. Dnspy has the ability to show the actual IL language of the sample by right-clicking and choosing Edit IL Language from the menu.
To go to the main function, you can right-click on the program (from the sidebar) and choose Go To Entry Point. However, it is possible that the main functionality will be located in other functions, such as OnRun, OnStartup, or OnCreateMainForm, or in forms. When analyzing code associated...