Event-Driven Architecture in Golang
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The system under test for a unit test is the smallest unit we can find in our application. In applications that are written in Go, this unit will be a function or method on a struct:
Figure 10.2 – The scope of a unit test
As shown in Figure 10.2, only the function code is being tested. Any dependencies that the code under test requires must be provided as a test double such as a mock, a stub, or a fake dependency. Test doubles will be explained a little later in the Creating and using test doubles in our tests section.
Each test should focus on testing only one path through the function. Even for moderately complex functions, this can result in a lot of duplication in your testing functions. To help with this duplication, the Go community has adopted table-driven tests to organize multiple tests of a single piece of code under test into a single test function.
This method...