Follow these steps:
Open the Cargo.toml file that was generated earlier for you.
- Under [dependencies], add the following line:
byteorder = "1.1.0"
- If you want, you can go to byteorder's page ( to check for the newest version and use that one instead.
In the bin folder, create a file called
Add the following code and run it with cargo run --bin bytes:
1 extern crate byteorder;
2 use std::io::{Cursor, Seek, SeekFrom};
3 use byteorder::{BigEndian, LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt,
5 fn main() {
6 let binary_nums = vec![2, 3, 12, 8, 5, 0];
7 // Wrap a binary collection in a cursor
8 // to provide seek functionality
9 let mut buff = Cursor::new(binary_nums);
10 let first_byte = buff.read_u8().expect("Failed to read
11 println!("first byte in binary: {:b}", first_byte);
13 // Reading advances the internal...