Open the Cargo.toml file that was generated earlier for you
- Under [dependencies], add the following line:
regex = "0.2"
- If you want, you can go to regex's crates.io page (https://crates.io/crates/regex) to check for the newest version and use that one instead
In the bin folder, create a file called regex.rs
Add the following code and run it with cargo run --bin regex:
1 extern crate regex;
3 fn main() {
4 use regex::Regex;
5 // Beginning a string with 'r' makes it a raw string,
6 // in which you don't need to escape any symbols
7 let date_regex =
to create regex");
8 let date = "15.10.2017";
9 // Check for a match
10 let is_date = date_regex.is_match(date);
11 println!("Is '{}' a date? {}", date, is_date);
13 // Let's use capture groups now
14 let date_regex = Regex::new(r"(\d{2}).(\d{2})
.(\d{4})").expect("Failed to create regex");
15 let text_with_dates = "Alan Turing was born on 23.06.1912 and
died on 07.06.1954. \
16 A movie about his life called 'The Imitation Game' came out
on 14.11.2017";
17 // Iterate over the matches
18 for cap in date_regex.captures_iter(text_with_dates) {
19 println!("Found date {}", &cap[0]);
20 println!("Year: {} Month: {} Day: {}", &cap[3], &cap[2],
21 }
22 // Replace the date format
23 println!("Original text:\t\t{}", text_with_dates);
24 let text_with_indian_dates =
date_regex.replace_all(text_with_dates, "$1-$2-$3");
25 println!("In indian format:\t{}", text_with_indian_dates);
27 // Replacing groups is easier when we name them
28 // ?P<somename> gives a capture group a name
29 let date_regex = Regex::new(r"(?P<day>\d{2}).(?P<month>\d{2})
30 .expect("Failed to create regex");
31 let text_with_american_dates =
32 println!("In american format:\t{}",
33 let rust_regex = Regex::new(r"(?i)rust").expect("Failed to
create regex");
34 println!("Do we match RuSt? {}",
35 use regex::RegexBuilder;
36 let rust_regex = RegexBuilder::new(r"rust")
37 .case_insensitive(true)
38 .build()
39 .expect("Failed to create regex");
40 println!("Do we still match RuSt? {}",
41 }