This example, adapted with slight changes from the second edition of the Rust book (, shows you how to start the implementation of a custom smart pointer. In our case, all it does is print the Debug information of the data stored when its dropped [26]. We do this by implementing the Drop trait with its single drop function [25], which the compiler automatically calls whenever a variable is dropped. All smart pointers are implemented this way.
The moment of a variable drop will nearly always be when it leaves its scope. For this reason, we cannot call the drop function directly[38]. The compiler will still call it when it exits its scope, so the cleanup will happen twice, resulting in undefined behavior. If you need to drop a variable early, you can tell the compiler to do so for you by calling std::mem:drop on it [41].
Variables that exit their scope are dropped in a LIFO way: Last In, First Out. That means that the last variable...