GNU/Linux Rapid Embedded Programming
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Before starting, we must set up our embedded board by installing all the going to use the BeagleBone Black to test the code; however, as already stated earlier, every command or program used here can be used indifferently on the other embedded boards too.
First of all, we have to install the command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language and the related plugin for the Apache web server. We can do it using the usual aptitude
command, as follows:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install php5-cli libapache2-mod-php5
Then, a package for the Python interpreter proves to be useful in creating daemons:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install python-daemon
Then, we have to install the following packages for xinetd
root@bbb:~# aptitude install xinetd telnet
For MySQL, we need the following packages:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install mysql-client mysql-server
During the installation of the preceding MySQL packages, the system should ask for an administrative root user. This is not the system...