Mastering Embedded Linux Programming
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A typical embedded board is based on a reference design from the manufacturer with changes to make it suitable for a particular application. It may have a temperature sensor attached via I2C, lights and buttons connected via GPIO pins, an external Ethernet MAC, a display panel via a MIPI interface, or many other things. Your job is to create a custom kernel to control all of that, so where do you start?
Some things are so simple that you can write user space code to handle them. GPIOs and simple peripherals connected via I2C or SPI are easy to control from user space, as I will explain later.
Other things need a kernel driver so you need to know how to find one and incorporate it into your build. There is no simple answer, but here are some places to look.
The most obvious place to look is the driver support page on the manufacturer's website, or you could ask them directly. In my experience, this seldom gets the result you want; hardware manufacturers are not...