Now, you need to change the size of the collection view cell and collection view section header so that it more closely resembles the Explore screen that was shown in the app tour in Chapter 9, Setting Up the Basic Structure. To set the layout of the collection view cells, you use the Size inspector. Follow these steps:
- Select Collection View in the document outline. Click the Size inspector:

- The Collection View size settings will be displayed:
Configure the Collection View size settings, as follows:
- Cell Size: The width is 196 and the height is 196.
- Estimate Size: None.
- Header Size: The width is 0 and the height is 100.
- Min Spacing: For cells, this is 0, while for lines, this is 7.
- Section Insets: Set the top, bottom, left, and right to 7.
Remember to press Return after changing each value.
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