Lightning-Fast Mobile App Development with Galio
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After learning so much about how React and React Native work, we finally got to the point where more practical challenges are getting tackled head-on. We've started by creating a simple component, where we mostly focused on styling and layout.
That was the easy part, and the first step into our next component was where we saw a different example of creating a layout, and we strengthened our brain muscles so that we can more easily start prototyping components on our own.
Right after this, we got into more serious components, and that was the register form where we learned a new concept called controlled inputs. This was really fascinating as we learned how to actually attack the problem of forms in React Native.
Our next component was even cooler as we used the useEffect
function to initialize one of our state variables with a prop received by our component. Now, that's some seriously cool stuff, and I hope you got as excited as I did when I first discovered...