Lightning-Fast Mobile App Development with Galio
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We have so many examples of mobile applications that don't look really good. Multiple different social media apps are being created by random people thinking that they'll hit the next jackpot, just like Facebook did. The most usual problem I've identified with most of these apps, on top of the bugs you're always going to find inside a beginner developer's app, is the design.
The layout is quickly created and they do not pay any attention to how the user experience (UX) might end up because of their design. They think that just because they have a nice idea, they don't really need to pay attention to anything else.
I disagree. I honestly believe that you could sell anything as long as the design is sleek and the UX is top-notch. The reason why I believe this is mostly that I usually use the 1-minute rule. This is something personal that I've created for myself. Basically, once I install an app, I...