Lightning-Fast Mobile App Development with Galio
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In the previous chapter, we built the beginning of our cool Stopwatch app by creating an onboarding screen. Now, it's time to finish our app by building the other features our users are going to use.
We'll learn lots of new things so that by the end of this chapter, we'll have a pretty cool app that I hope is going to inspire you to create more helpful applications for the rest of the world. The stuff we've learned so far and will continue to learn should give you all the necessary tools to create simple small applications, without the need for another tutorial. Even so, you'll sometimes find yourself looking all over the internet for solutions to your problems, and that's OK. We all do that, so be happy whenever you find a solution and you can make it work.
To build this React Native mobile app, we're going to start by linking our onboarding screen to our actual app by using the React Navigation...