Lightning-Fast Mobile App Development with Galio
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In this chapter, we got ready for our lives as React Native developers. We discussed a lot of things that should help you in your journey. I also strongly believe I've been able to help you out by inspiring you to pursue knowledge as much as possible.
First, we discussed how helpful the documentation is. We also learned how to gather information from as many resources as possible. Books are a really important part of our education, so make sure to at least try reading some more books on React Native.
Then, we discussed Galio and how we can get in touch with the community. We saw how many resources we have at our disposal, free to use and also of great quality. This will be helpful when we meet again (at least I hope so) on Galio's Discord or repository.
After this, we tackled some common React Native issues and learned how to fix them. I hope you found this helpful and that you'll come back to these later so that you can fix errors quicker than performing...