Lightning-Fast Mobile App Development with Galio
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So, you've learned a thing or two about how React Native works and now you're wondering how Galio can help you. Well, first of all, what exactly is Galio?
To put it simply, Galio is a React Native UI library, so it's a collection of resources meant to help developers write code faster and easier. The thing is... React Native doesn't have that many components. We'll come back to what exactly a component is later in this book, but for now, just think of them as puzzle pieces.
React Native has a certain amount of puzzle pieces, each of which is as simple as possible. Galio comes in as a wrapper around those puzzle pieces and adds a bit of color and functionality. Sometimes, you can even find different pieces that are built by combining more basic pieces into a really big one for specific reasons.
Now, let's go over the reasons why Galio might be the best UI library for you in your cross-platform mobile development...