Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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We started by exploring how to create choropleth maps, which are a type of map that we are all used to seeing. We also saw how to animate those maps if we have a sequential value, which in our case was viewing a certain indicator as it progressed throughout the available years. We then created a callback function and made the maps work with all the possible indicators that we have, so users could explore them all and then decide what they wanted to explore next.
After that, we learned how to use Markdown to generate HTML content, and how to add it to a Dash app. We then explored the different ways of displaying maps, or projections, and saw how to select the projection that we want.
We went through another type of map, which is a scatter map plot. Building on the knowledge we established in the previous chapter, it was fairly straightforward to adapt that knowledge to scatter maps. We also learned about the rich options that Mapbox provides and explored a few other topics...