Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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We will now take our apps to a new level of abstraction and power by introducing new options available to callbacks. The general pattern we have followed has been that we provide users with a component that they can interact with. Based on a given set of options available to the component, users can influence certain actions, such as producing a chart, for example. We will be exploring other options such as deferring the execution of callbacks until a certain event happens, for example, clicking a "Submit" button. We will also take a look at how we can allow users to modify the layout of the app itself, by allowing them to add new dynamic components to it. We will use some of this knowledge to add a minor but important improvement to the clustering functionality that we introduced in Chapter 9, Letting Your Data Speak for Itself with Machine Learning.
We will first start by introducing the optional State parameter...