Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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You now have enough information and have seen enough examples to create dashboards quickly. In Chapter 1, Overview of the Dash Ecosystem, we learned how apps are structured and learned how to build fully running apps, but without interactivity. In Chapter 2, Exploring the Structure of a Dash App, we explored how interactivity works, through callback functions, and we added interactive features to our app. Chapter 3, Working with Plotly's Figure Objects, introduced how Plotly's charts are created, their components, and how to manipulate them to achieve the results you want. Finally, in this chapter, we introduced Plotly Express, a high-level interface to Plotly that is easy to use but more importantly, follows an intuitive approach that is data-oriented, as opposed to being chart-oriented.
One of the most important and biggest parts of creating visualizations is the process of preparing data in certain formats, after which it becomes relatively straightforward to...