Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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It's interesting to know that the official strategy for Dash is to be "React for Python, R, and Julia." As you might know, React is a very big JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. There is a massive library of open source React components, and Dash Core Components are basically React components made available in Python. This means that if there is any functionality that is not provided by Dash that you would like to have, you might consider developing it yourself, hiring a developer to build it, or you can also sponsor its development and have the Plotly team build it. Some of the components that we worked with were sponsored by clients who wanted to have certain functionality that wasn't available. This is one way to support Dash as well. It also benefits everyone who uses open source Dash.
There are clear instructions on how to create your own Dash components, and as a Dash developer, it's good to explore...