Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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When you have a deployment in a large organization with many users that has an existing infrastructure, several things might come up that you might not have considered or anticipated. Imagine your app is going to be used by hundreds of people in a company. How do you deal with access to the app? How do you manage passwords, and what exactly happens when someone resigns, or joins? Are you experienced enough in security that you are confident that you can handle such a large deployment?
In these cases, data engineering takes on a much bigger role than previously. Storing the data efficiently and securely becomes more important. Scalability and managing it can be tricky if it is not your area of expertise. Your main job is to design and create something that helps in finding insights, rather than maintaining large-scale apps. In some cases, you might have the required skills but don't want to worry about those things and mainly want to focus...