Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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In addition to the packages that we used in Chapter 1, Overview of the Dash Ecosystem (for example, Dash, Dash HTML Components, and Dash Bootstrap Components), we will be, most importantly, working with Dash Core Components. We will also look at how to run Dash apps within a Jupyter Notebook environment, and for that, we will be using the jupyter_dash
package along with JupyterLab. Later in the chapter, when we incorporate new functionality into the app, we will use pandas
for data manipulation.
The code files of this chapter can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Interactive-Dashboards-and-Data-Apps-with-Plotly-and-Dash/tree/master/chapter_02.
Check out the following video to see the Code in Action at https://bit.ly/3tC0ZsW.